Monday, October 31, 2011

European Day

On Saturday the 29th of November, we had European Day at RCN.

Every term we have a 'day' like this, rotating from Europe-The Americas-Africa-Asia (at least I think these are the four days.)
So after a lot of planning and running around, the day was finally here - European Day 2011!

The day started with a fresh wake-up call, from a couple of Europeans in each house. In SH, Pishun (playing the violin), Åse and Nina woke us up and gave everybody their plane-ticket with a plan of the day on the back.

Going to the kantina, there was flags and decorations all over, very beautiful!

During the day there were also different national anthems playing in the auditorium.

From 3:30-5:30, there was a bazar in A-building. Here, every country represented from Europe at school had a space where they could show whatever the wanted from their country. There was a ton of food, music, and other creative ways of attracting people.

From Denmark, we had a "Pølsevogn" - a sausage stand where we gave out sausages, a table with LEGO, a table with random Danish stuff and two bikes.

(Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera, so all the pictures are from other students.)

After this, there was a European Dinner in the kantina, with different European food.

At 8pm we had the European Show!
It was a very good show, based on two backpackers travelling around Europe, meeting all kinds of different cultures. From Italian culture to tons of different music to dancing to language to LEGO men and IKEA boxes, dancing in the background of a love song between Denmark and Sweden (Drømmer Jeg by Johnny Deluxe) to Spice Girls to crazy Robbers to Asians lost in London to Euro-vision songs, all ending with All You Need is Love by the Beatles.

The day ended in a European Saturday Night Party and it was a blast.

Keep smiling - keep shining

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